As I stepped out onto my front porch this morning, I was hopeful that it would “feel” like fall. While the temperature is starting to dip into the 70’s, there are still plenty of hot and humid days ahead in Florida. Despite this muggy weather, I couldn’t help but smile as I loaded my kids into the car for school. Thanks to Tampa Yard Greetings, I had a friendly ghost reminding me that Halloween is in the near future. Tampa Yard Greetings donates all of its proceeds from the Booed Ghost to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation. You’re able to spread holiday cheer AND help raise money for pediatric cancer. According to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, cancer is the leading cause of death from disease in children. Each year, 15,780 children per year are expected to be diagnosed with cancer. While many children and their families are able to combat cancer and go into remission, there are major lifelong implications for the child as a result of the medications that are required as part of their course of treatment. Organizations, such as the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, are dedicated to generating funds for research in the hopes of eradicating childhood cancer.

In our family, we have used the Tampa Yard Greeting Boed Ghost to create “teachable moments.” Here are some of the fun ways that our family has used this to have conversations and learn from the Boed Ghost.

  • Count down from the current day to Halloween (October 31st)
  • Discuss the seasons and how we can use our senses to look for changes in the weather from summer to fall
  • Talk about friendship and how we can show kindness to others
  • Establish and review our family’s Halloween routines. This is a good time to talk about how the activities for the day may look different from the normal weekday routine and help prepare your child for the change. (Remember: children love, love, love consistency and routines. For many, Halloween is a fun holiday; however, it can be hard for children who do not like changes in the routine.)
  • Spread holiday cheer to our friends and neighbors by “booing” others.

Haven’t gotten your Ghost yet? Be sure to check out Tampa Bay Yard signs and mention #psyched2parent to received 10% off of your order. 
