Responding to Temper Tantrums
As parents, we can only control our behavior and how we respond to those around us. When children display big emotions, our job is to help them navigate through them.
As parents, we can only control our behavior and how we respond to those around us. When children display big emotions, our job is to help them navigate through them.
My Story with Spanking Spanking…..I’ve been there. I’m a recovering spanker. At my lowest point as a parent, I’ve been frustrated and lost my cool with my son. When I was at my wit’s end and after repeating myself for the hundredth time, I decided that I’d had enough. I took my son by the […]
Extinction is the gradual removal of what is reinforcing a behavior so that it decreases. A phenomenon that occurs as part of extinction is what is called an “extinction burst.” This is a temporary increase in the behavior that you are trying to stop (aka make extinct). Often times, you may see this behavior temporarily increase in duration, frequency, or intensity before it is no longer exhibited by your child.